Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cub Section - Update for Feb. 27

Dear Cubs and parents,

We will be having a regular meeting this Saturday, Feb. 27, at Brighouse Elementary from 3:00PM - 5:00PM. Please arrive 10 minutes earlier.

Attached is the upcoming Kub Kar Rally information and rules. The Kub Kar Rally is at South Arm United Church on No.3 Rd and Steveston Hwy on March 6.


We will be preparing Kub Kars this Saturday for the upcoming Kub Kar Rally on Mar. 6. Leaders will be providing the Kub Kars for the Cubs, as well as some carpentry tools at the upcoming meeting.

As we will be using very dangerous cutting tools, and with a limited number of leaders, we would like to encourage all parents to come to the upcoming meeting to help the children create their Kub Kar. Your help is appreciated greatly!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me!

Thank you, and I hope to see all of you this Saturday!

Cub Akela,
Victor Chan