Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome Back

Our first meeting started on Saturday, September 20, 2008 at Woodwards Landing (No. 5/Dyke). The following events have occurred on the same day.

PL/APL Training camp (by invitation only)
Sixer and Second Camp (by invitation only)
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup (sign up with Section Leaders)
Welcome Back Party (All members. Bring a friend!)

***Parent Council AGM & Section Information Seminar on October 4.This is for parents!
3:15 pm Popcorn and Cell phone presentation
3:30 pm Parent Council AGM
4:00 pm Beaver Section Seminar
4:15 pm Cub Section Seminar
4:30 pm Scout Section Seminar.

Popcorn Fundraising ProgramNew products, new prizes, more incentives this year!Taste the yummy popcorn in the Welcome Back Party. Samples will be given out.Scout Bucks – 20% of your sale will go back to you. You can use it to pay for your Section and Group activities.
Help us to serve you better. Come and support us! You’ll understand more about your children’s Scout activities from these Section Seminar. ALL PARENTS MUST COME.

***Apple Day on both Saturday and Sunday (October 18 and 19) in Richmond Centre.This annual national fundraising program is a great chance to show our Group to the public. There are 4 sessions:
Saturday, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Saturday, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Sunday, 11:00 am to 1:30 pm
Sunday, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

We’ll even out our manpower on these 4 sessions. Sign up with Gloria to volunteer for at least one session.
***Investiture Ceremony and Volunteer Recognition Night on November 1.
Location: South Arm United ChurchSign in at 5:00 pm and ceremony starts at 5:30 pm. More details will be coming out.