Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cub section - 1st regular meeting! - September 27th

We will have our first regular meeting at Brighouse Elementary School on this Saturday, Sept 27th, 2008. As the door will be close for opening ceremony at 3:00pm, please be arrive by 2:45pm to ensure timeliness. (Door will be re-open after ceremony is done)

Please remember Cubs will need to wear full uniform, which included scraf, Scouts uniform, black socks, black shoes (runner is ok).

For Brighthouse's addressHere is the link of Brighouse Elementary School, our meeting place:,+Richmond,+BC&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.764224,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=49.166623,-123.149743&spn=0.006805,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=addr

If you have any question, please feel free to contact me by email or call:
(c) 778-881-1220
(h) 604-420-8712

Looking forward to see you all this Saturday :)

Akela Alex