Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cub section - 2nd regular meeting


We'll have our second regular meeting at Brighouse school at 3:00pm.
Current updates:

1) Parents Council AGM and Parents Information Day
Scouts movement will never be able to succeed without your support, please come join us in the meeting to understand more.

2) Apple Day @ October 18/19
Apple Day is our annual fund raising event. Raised fund will help our Scout group to be invest in better equipment and have more resouces to organize more events! It is a great chance for our Cubs to present themselves to the public :D
Each time slot (Session) has limited space. Please register ASAP to ensure your spot!

3) Investiture Dinner and Appreciation night
We will have our investiture ceremony for new Cubs, and also Sixer/second appointment ceremony. All members are welcome to join the dinner!

4) Cell phone program
The 32nd Richmond Scout Group has initated a used cell phone collection. The drive is part of The National cell Phone Collection Program of PITCH-IN CANADA - a Canada-wide initative Please refer to attachment for more detail information.

See you all there!
Scouter Alex