Dear Beavers and Parents:
Thanks for everyone's support for the Apple day! This year we made lots of sales, and We're sure we broke the record for our Scout group.
We will have our regular meeting at School this weekend Oct 25th 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
Important dates coming up:
November 1st, 2008 the last day to hand in the pop corn sales form.
Investiture Dinner and Appreciation night
There will be NO REGULAR MEETING on this day. (November 1st, 08)
Date: November 1, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: South Arm United Church, 11051 No. 3 Road (at Steveston Hwy)
Fee: Registered member – $5; Non-member: $10
Deadline for reg: October 25, 2008
Programs include:
Investiture of new members
Swimming up ceremony
Parents Appreciation
New members will be issued our Group Scarf, woggle, Group badge, and Section epaulettes.
Upcoming events:
Nov 1 – NO MEETING / Investiture Dinner
Nov 8 – Regular meeting at school
Nov 15 - Regular meeting at school
Nov 22 - Regular meeting at school
Nov 29-30 - Camp in a Box
******Just as a reminder - Scout members are working on their environmental conservation project to collect as many old cell phones for recycling. The Scout group also receives money for each cell phone we bring in for recycling
Does your family have old, useless cellphones at home? Bring them to Scouts meeting during November so that they will be disposed of and recycled properly!
Beaver Leader