Dear Beavers & Parents:
Please note that this Saturday we have "Investiture Dinner", there will be no meeting in the afternoon at school.
Investiture Dinner
Date: November 1, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: South Arm United Church, 11051 No. 3 Road (at Steveston Hwy)
Please wear full uniform – Beaver vest, hat and scarf (for those new Beavers, scarf will be distributed on that night)
Popcorn Forms and money – deadline: November 1, 2008
Please return the form and money if you sold popcorn to your group leaders that night.
If you don't sell any popcorn, please return the blank form too.
Cell phone collection – Please bring the old and used cell phones on that night. We will have a box to collect.