Friday, October 31, 2008


Dear Beavers & Parents:

Please note that this Saturday we have "Investiture Dinner", there will be no meeting in the afternoon at school.

Investiture Dinner
Date: November 1, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: South Arm United Church, 11051 No. 3 Road (at Steveston Hwy)
Please wear full uniform – Beaver vest, hat and scarf (for those new Beavers, scarf will be distributed on that night)

Popcorn Forms and money – deadline: November 1, 2008
Please return the form and money if you sold popcorn to your group leaders that night.
If you don't sell any popcorn, please return the blank form too.

Cell phone collection – Please bring the old and used cell phones on that night. We will have a box to collect.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beaver Section update

Dear Beavers and Parents:

Thanks for everyone's support for the Apple day! This year we made lots of sales, and We're sure we broke the record for our Scout group.

We will have our regular meeting at School this weekend Oct 25th 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

Important dates coming up:

November 1st, 2008 the last day to hand in the pop corn sales form.

Investiture Dinner and Appreciation night

There will be NO REGULAR MEETING on this day. (November 1st, 08)

Date: November 1, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: South Arm United Church, 11051 No. 3 Road (at Steveston Hwy)
Fee: Registered member – $5; Non-member: $10
Deadline for reg: October 25, 2008
Programs include:
Investiture of new members
Swimming up ceremony
Parents Appreciation
New members will be issued our Group Scarf, woggle, Group badge, and Section epaulettes.

Upcoming events:

Nov 1 – NO MEETING / Investiture Dinner
Nov 8 – Regular meeting at school
Nov 15 - Regular meeting at school
Nov 22 - Regular meeting at school
Nov 29-30 - Camp in a Box

******Just as a reminder - Scout members are working on their environmental conservation project to collect as many old cell phones for recycling. The Scout group also receives money for each cell phone we bring in for recycling

Does your family have old, useless cellphones at home? Bring them to Scouts meeting during November so that they will be disposed of and recycled properly!

Beaver Leader

Monday, October 6, 2008

Beaver coming events

Please note that there is no meeting on Oct 11.

We have an apply day on Oct 18 and Oct 19.
Apple Day 2008 (Mandatory event)
Date: October 18 and 19, 2008 (Saturday and Sunday)
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (Saturday)
11:00 am to 4:00 pm (Sunday)
Location: Richmond Centre (Minoru entrance at Famous Players)
Choose a time slot from:
Ø Session A: Saturday, 10 am to 12:30 pm
Ø Session B: Saturday, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Ø Session C: Sunday, 11:00 am to 1:30 pm
Ø Session D: Sunday, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Please sign up NOW with Gloria.

Investiture Dinner and Appreciation night
Date: November 1, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: South Arm United Church, 11051 No. 3 Road (at Steveston Hwy)
Fee: Registered member – $5; Non-member: $10
Deadline: October 25, 2008
Programs include:
Ø Investiture of new members
Ø Swimming up ceremony
Ø Appointment of PLs/APLs and Sixers/Seconds
Ø Parents Appreciation

New members will be issued our Group Scarf, woggle, Group badge, and Section epaulettes.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Scout Section - Calendar Changes

Jan 10 - Pioneering (formerly Cold Talk)
Jan 24 - Cold Talk (formerly Pioneering)
Jan 31 - Scouting History, Scout's Own/Public Speaking (formerly Area Winter Camp)
Feb 7 - Area Winter Camp (formerly Equipment Care)
Feb 14 - Equipment Care, Orienteering (formerly RoVent/no meeting)
Feb 21 - RoVent/No meeting for Scout section (formerly Comp Camp Briefing/Shelter)
Feb 28 - Comp Camp Briefing Shelter (formerly Orienteering and Compass)

May 23 - Canoeing (formerly Camporee)
May 30 - Camporee (formerly Canoeing)

Friday, October 3, 2008

32nd Venturer Company Upcoming Events

Are you between the ages 14-17? Continue scouting in Venturers! You choose what you want to do and experience many opportunities such as being a Scouter-In-Training or even work on any of the Venturer awards!

Check out the upcoming events for the 32nd Venturer Company.

Oct 11-12 Company Link Camp with 19th Richmond Venturer Company

Oct 11 9:00am Meet @ Bridgeport Starbucks

Oct 12 4:00pm approx Return

*Check emailed minutes for more details

Oct 18 Apple Day
Nov 1 Investiture Ceremony Recognition Night
Nov 8 Woodbadge I Training @ Camp McLean
Nov 15 Meeting/ Activity Day

Keep checking for more updates!

Venturer President

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cub section - 2nd regular meeting


We'll have our second regular meeting at Brighouse school at 3:00pm.
Current updates:

1) Parents Council AGM and Parents Information Day
Scouts movement will never be able to succeed without your support, please come join us in the meeting to understand more.

2) Apple Day @ October 18/19
Apple Day is our annual fund raising event. Raised fund will help our Scout group to be invest in better equipment and have more resouces to organize more events! It is a great chance for our Cubs to present themselves to the public :D
Each time slot (Session) has limited space. Please register ASAP to ensure your spot!

3) Investiture Dinner and Appreciation night
We will have our investiture ceremony for new Cubs, and also Sixer/second appointment ceremony. All members are welcome to join the dinner!

4) Cell phone program
The 32nd Richmond Scout Group has initated a used cell phone collection. The drive is part of The National cell Phone Collection Program of PITCH-IN CANADA - a Canada-wide initative Please refer to attachment for more detail information.

See you all there!
Scouter Alex